The implementation of the project involves supporting research activities through the internal seed grant fund. It will be used to finance research grants for young scientists (RID START) and RID LEAD grants aimed at acquiring international projects, including prestigious grants funded by the European Research Council. Support will also be provided through grants for teams carrying out research with the participation of representatives of SGH's foreign partners, with particular emphasis on the CIVICA universities.
Supported projects should be in line with the SGH Research Policy.
RID TEAM results
RID START 2025 results
Closed calls:
- RID START - initiative for early-stage researchers, for which the first call was closed on June 17th, 2024. Within the first edition formal and substantive criteria were met by seven project that have been chosen to receive the grants:
- RID LEAD (deadline: 19.07.2024): 'a grant for an international grant':
3. Additional call for the 1st edition of RID START (deadline: 23.09.2024):
- 1st edition RID TEAM (deadline: 14.10.2024):
- 2nd edition RID START (deadline 25.11.2024; results are to be published on 27.12.2024):
- 2nd edition RID LEAD (deadline 25.11.2024; results are to be published on 27.12.2024):